Archive for February, 2013

February 26, 2013


This … is inertia, a sudden halt from mechanical movement, a speed bump in the exceedingly fast paced rat race that is the natural environment. Instead of rats, we are but perfectly spherical metal balls rolling without friction, without boundaries, in constant chaotic motion until we stop and hit these metaphoric speed bumps. Then… inertia. In this state, we mellow, we wait, we change. As absurd and as obscure as the transformation of Gregor Samsa we change without us knowing how or why, without even believing that we actually do, in constant denial and simultaneously adapting we redefine our thoughts of what was and convert those into what should be. As masochistic as slicing fresh onions with the same aim to add taste and colour to what equates as bland. The phenomenon of procrastination and the impacts they mould. The constant dialectics of learn and unlearn until  much learnt comes off as useless, obsolete pieces of scrap, wrecked by the ever constant expansion, and shrinkage, of time and space perceived objectively only to those without sanity in which sanity is the final barrier to experiencing living truly and naturally. The mind tricks ourselves into the constant wants perceived as needs perceived as importance, of high priority. Yet, the mind yearns for an end, an end of existence, an end of repetition, a permanent inertia. 

And so, inertia, in need of a push to reach a state of motion. At least, averting the gutters that might cause the perfect spherical metal ball to halt in its motion. Unto its final state of inertia until immobility ensnaring it permanently.

February 13, 2013

The Unsoluble Dichotomy

He visualizes his own end: death. Never is he free from the dichotomy of existence: he cannot rid himself of his mind, even if he should want to; he cannot rid himself of his body as long as he is alive — and his body makes him want to be alive. Reason, man’s blessing, is also his curse; it forces him to cope everlastingly with the task of solving an insoluble dichotomy. Human existence is different in this respect from that of all other organisms; it is in a state of constant and unavoidable disequilibrium. Man’s life cannot “be lived’ by repeating the pattern of his species; he must live. Man is the only animal than can be bored, that can feel evicted from paradise. Man is the only animal who finds hos own existence a problem which he has to solve and from which he cannot escape. He cannot go back to the pre-human state of harmony with nature; he must proceed to develop his reason until he becomes the master of nature, and of himself. But man’s birth ontogenetically as well as phylogenetically is essentially a negative effect. He lacks the instinctive adaptation to nature, he lacks physical strength, he is the most helpless of all animals at birth, and in need of protection for a much longer period of time than any of them.

(Fromm 1955:23)